Modern Mime evening
13.10.2024 Sunday 19.30 - Ursynowskie Centrum Kultury "Alternatywy" - sala Szekspir. Durationa 75 minute.
A unique theatrical evening that will happen only once!
Taking place every few years, it has already become a tradition of our theater celebration. First introduced nearly two decades ago during the International Mime Art Festival, the structure of this evening's model has successfully been adopted at mime festivals around the world. The performance is designed as a confrontation of different techniques, styles, and forms in mime theater.
Outstanding artists from various corners of the globe are invited to participate, showcasing short theatrical forms characteristic of their work. The audience will have the opportunity to experience the diverse faces of contemporary mime theater, revealing the essence of this craft.
Performers include:
Camille Boitel (France), J. Carlos Agudelo (Colombia), Chloe Albaret (France), Anne Vercasson, Jean-Baptiste Loubet (Compagnie A'Stravaganza - France), Alexander Neander, Wolfram Von Bodecker (Bodecker & Neander Company - Germany), Amanda Bou Kheir, Bartłomiej Ostapczuk, and participants from Bartłomiej Ostapczuk's Mime Studio: Ada Kwiecień, Joanna Tudek, Zuzanna Ziółek, Aleksandra Gąska, Alicja Kowalska, Bożena Szykowna, Julia Nozdryn Płotnicka, Eleonora Szykowna, Maciej Lewandowski, Amelia Nozdryn Płotnicka.